In accordance with Article 13 of the Italian Privacy Code (Legislative Decree 196/03), we inform you that the company owning this website – indicated at the bottom of the website’s Home Page – is the data controller (hereinafter referred to as “Controller”) within the limits outlined below.
According to the law mentioned, data will be processed in compliance with the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency, and protection of both your privacy and rights
1. This website collects data which is necessary to navigate and use related services, handling them in an anonymous and aggregated form;
2. Such data will be processed through automated and non-automated means, in compliance with the stated purposes and with privacy requirements and appropriate security measures, as expressed by the Privacy Code;
3. Provisioning such data is necessary to pursue the aforementioned purposes; the data will not be shared with or disclosed to third parties;
4. The data will be preserved for the period strictly necessary to achieve the aforementioned purposes and, in any case, for no longer than one year.
5. In your capacity as data subject affected by the processing of personal data, you are guaranteed the exercise of the rights provided for under Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03, which include the right to obtain from the Data Controller confirmation of the existence of your personal data and their communication in an intelligible form, to be informed about the methods and purposes of the processing, to request the updating and integration of the data, their erasure or transformation into an anonymous form in case of violation of the law, as well as the right to express objections to their processing. These rights can be exercised by contacting the Data Controller in writing at any time, at the address indicated on the same website.